From a lot of request form our customer, finally PL2018-M35 we call “Mr. BIG” finally arrived
Compared previous tbleague products, he is more outstanding in body structural proportion and muscle interpretation.
Even stronger than M34, which has enjoyed tremendous popularity, Mr. BIG has more defined muscles, you see his shoulder-deltoid muscle, chest muscle and leg muscle are full, massive and steel-like,We believe as a new star from TB League, Mr BIG will surely amaze you!
Its internal skeleton armature is also made from durable stainless steel to withstand playability without being easily damaged or corrupted. Each armature has 28 points of articulation, using ball-jointed system, for maximum flexibility and movement. Each joint is designed to move freely and consistently with 90% accuracy. With the slightest effort, this body is capable of making countless dynamic poses to imitate any posture of any character. Whether you are a fan of character design, cos-play, modeling, photography, painting, anatomy, or simply enjoying figure collecting - you will appreciate TBLeague’s newest Male Seamless Body in Stainless Steel Skeleton, PL2018-M35.
The steel metal armature is wrapped with a non-toxic, environmentally friendly specially developed for TBLeague bodies. The material features durable, anti-cracking qualities that are easy to clean, but not easy to stain or dye. In addition, the skin texture is designed to deliver a tactile experience of real skin.
Part list
1) 1 × M35 super flexible male seamless body
2) 3 pairs × interchangeable hands
3) 1 pair × removable flat-heeled feet
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Posted by Unknown on 27th Jul 2021
I am so shocked to feel the skin and the volume of this body. It is amazing to customize my superman kingdome come.
Posted by John on 6th Feb 2021
The (Phicen Limited) TBLeague's M35 edition, 1/6 scale male model is absolutely and superlatively the very best!!! It beats all of the others in any type of comparisons. I highly recommend it to any artist or photographer anywhere. It is quite simply and by far, the very best anatomical reference model anywhere ever made. It is beyond perfect and it is much better than any other sculpture or photographs that could ever be used for an artistic study or visual reference towards another work of art. Thanks!!!
Posted by carlton austin on 23rd Oct 2020
very good
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